Until the person or student regains his footing, the staff member/teacher supports him.
How to use fnis sc andle how to#
The dynamics taking place using HWC’s solid object relationship model, is that the staff is taught how to provide a ground for the person to step back and gain some objectivity over the situation he cannot manage himself. One of the main issues is that many people chronically misbehave not because they do not want to behave, but because they have not been given the tools to gain mastery over their behavior. This person is the light, the ground, the center, the calm, the person we trust when we are the most vulnerable. HWC teaches staff how to recognize the purpose of the ‘test’ and appeal to the healthy components of the client’s personality, which seeks stability or homeostasis, to form an alliance. staff) around them by attempting to activate a response. Clients test the emotional solidity of the people (i.e. SORM is a relationship-centered approach that enables faculty educators to behave in an “Affect Neutral” manner that provides clients with the emotional and environmental support needed to convey trust, security and safety. Clients who are out of control at some level know that they are out of control and need to feel that the person intervening has the capacity to bring them under control and protect them from their own impulses and behavior.
HWC training teaches staff how to recognize escalating conflict/tension and how to use their relationship to assist the client or student to regain control of and redirect their tension into constructive and positive channels. It takes over so completely that we are consumed by it, and when it is unable to be managed internally, it discharges externally. Unprocessed, uncontrolled anger, conflict or tension is disorienting. The problem is not with conflict/tension itself, but when it is not directed properly. There is no framework like HWC’s in any other program. HWC provides philosophical models that serve as the framework for practice.